תלמידי מחקר

PhD scholarship (for 1 year) within the Department of Ancient Civilizations (University of Basel)

The PhD program of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the  University of Basel announces a one-year scholarship à CHF 30'000 (two  tranches with evaluation) starting at the 01.04.2025.

The  grant is intended to support a young graduate during the starting phase  of his/her PhD research project. It is expected that he/she will  develop a funding proposal during the first six months for applying to  the Swiss National Science Foundation or other funding institutions.

Your profile

The scholarship is addressed to students who held a 1st class MA-degree either in Egyptology, Classical Archaeology,  Ancient History, Greek Philology, Latin Philology or European  Archaeology. It is expected that the PhD student is highly motivated and will personally be involved in the PhD program of the Department of  Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel. Most welcomed are PhD projects that can be linked to the research fields of the Department of  Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel.

Applicants who  are about to complete their studies can apply, provided that they can submit an official graduation certificate no later than 11.02.2025.

Application / Contact

Application deadline: 15.11.2024

The  following documents should be sent by email to the coordinator of the  Doctoral Program of Basel Ancient Studies Mr. Hans-Hubertus Muench (hubertus.muench@unibas.ch):

1. Letter of motivation
2. CV
3. MA-Diploma
4. 1-2 sample of text (max. 20 pages each, including at least 1 academic qualification text, like BA- or MA-thesis)
5. Sketch for the dissertation project (max. 3 pages)
6. Letter of reference

Applications  can be submitted in German, in French or in English. The enrolment at  the University of Basel is mandatory. The first supervisor must be a  member of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of  Basel. For further information, please contact the coordinator of the  Doctoral Program of Basel Ancient Studies Mr. Hans-Hubertus Muench (hubertus.muench@unibas.ch).

פרטי יצירת קשר

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

The 2022 Koschitzky Prize

The Heritage Center for the Study of The Kingdom of Israel at Ariel University is happy to announce the call for the 2022 Koschitzky Prize for papers by young scholars.

Up to three prizes will be awarded:

  • a first prize of $1000
  • a second prize of $750
  • a third prize of $500


The prizes will be awarded for the best published articles, MA theses or PhD dissertations dealing with the Northern Kingdom of Israel or with related topics within its area. The committee will consider only papers/theses/dissertations that were published during the years 2021-2022, or that were accepted for publication in a coming volume of a peer-reviewed journal.

Prize applicants must be Ph.D. candidates. They may be of any nationality, but the submitted paper must be in Hebrew or English. Co-written pieces may be submitted if the applicant is the first author. The three winners will be invited to present their studies at the annual conference of the Institute of Archaeology at Ariel University (late December 2022/ early January 2023).

All submissions must be in PDF format only. All submissions must include both the cover page and the paper. All submissions must be received no later than September 15, 2022. The prize will be announced on October 2022.

Application: Email PDF of paper and cover sheet to: Dr. Aharon Tavger, The Heritage Center for the Study of The Kingdom of Israel, Ariel University tavgeraa@gmail.com.

The Prize Committee: Mr. Amitai Koschitzky, Prof. Aren Maeir (Bar Ilan University), Prof. Yuval Gadot (Tel Aviv University) and Prof. ltzick Shai (Ariel University, Chair).

פרטי יצירת קשר

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

פרסי מרכז שזר לחקר תולדות עם ישראל

מרכז זלמן שזר מעניק פרסים לחוקרות וחוקרים מצטיינים בחקר תולדות עם ישראל, מימי המקרא ועד לעת החדשה.

פרס שזר לחקר תולדות ישראל
פרס שזר להוצאת ספר ביכורים פרס שזר לחקר תולדות ישראל מוענק על ספר מקורי שיצא לאור בעברית, העוסק בתולדות עם ישראל. ניתן להגיש מועמדות לפרס בגין ספר שהתפרסם בשנתיים האחרונות ושאינו תרגום של פרסום קודם; וכן לכתב יד בעברית, אשר עתיד להתפרסם עד ראשית אוקטובר 2024.

פרס שזר להוצאת ספר ביכורים
יוענק על עבודת דוקטור פורצת דרך בשפה העברית, שעניינה תולדות עם ישראל. הפרס יאפשר לזוכה לפרסם את העבודה כספר ביכורים שיצא בהוצאת מרכז שזר.

מלגת ולד
מלגת ולד תוענק לסטודנט/ית צעיר/ה (עד גיל 40 ) לתואר שלישי בתולדות עם ישראל, הלומד/ת באחת מהאוניברסיטאות בישראל. המלגה מוענקת מעיזבונה של המנוחה גולדה ולד ז"ל, לזכר הוריה, פנחס ושיינדיל ולד.

מועד אחרון להגשת המועמדויות: כ"ח בסיוון ה'תשפ"ד 4.7.2024

הטפסים להגשת המועמדות ופרטים נוספים לגבי הפרסים השונים נמצאים באתר מרכז זלמן שזר:

פרטי יצירת קשר

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

תואר שני (MSc) בשיטות גיאופיזיות בארכיאולוגיה חופית וימית (אוניברסיטת חיפה)

למעבדה לגיאופיסיקה יישומית בבית הספר למדעי הים ע"ש ליאון צ'רני באוניברסיטת חיפה דרש סטודנט/ית מוכשר/ת לתואר שני (MSc) בשיטות גיאופיזיות בארכיאולוגיה חופית וימית להשתלבות במחקר פורץ דרך, הכולל עבודה ביבשה ובים הרדוד, ומתמקד ביישום שיטות גיאופיזיות לשיקוף תת הקרקע.

לפרטים נוספים ולהגשת מועמדות mlazar@univ.haifa.ac.ilניתן לפנות לפרופ' מייקל לזר: mlazar@univ.haifa.ac.il

פרטי יצירת קשר

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

M.A. in Ancient Mediterranean Studies (Penn State)

The Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies at Pennsylvania State University is pleased to announce the creation of a two-year M.A program in Ancient Mediterranean Studies. This program is designed for students who can benefit from graduate instruction in any of the following areas: the Ancient Near East, Egypt, the Levant, the Hebrew Bible, early Judaism, Greece, Rome, Early Christianity, and the modern reception of the ancient Mediterranean world.

Students will work with faculty members who are nationally and internationally recognized for their scholarly contributions. A major objective of the M.A. program is to help students fully develop their advanced research skills, as they prepare for further graduate studies or a variety of professions, such as museum work, library science, or secondary education teaching. Information about our faculty can be found

here: https://cams.la.psu.edu/people/

Several funded positions are available, either for Fall 2024 or Fall 2025. Students will be admitted on a rolling basis, but those wishing to be considered for Fall 2025 should plan to apply by February 3, 2025 to receive the fullest consideration.

פרטי יצירת קשר

Questions about the program can be directed to our Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Anna Peterson (aip12@psu.edu).

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

Fellowship: Ancient history, ANE studies, Classical Archaeology and Modern German Literature (Innsbruck)

PhD Positions in Ancient History, Ancient Near Eastern Studies,Classical Archaeology and Modern German Literature (30 hours/week, for 3 years)

The Cluster of Excellence “EurAsian Transformations” (CoE EurAsia) is pleased to announce the availability of up to eight PhD positions within the doctoral college (DC) “Entangled Antiquities” at the University of Innsbruck. These positions are offered part-time (30 hours per week) for three years, starting 1 October 2024.

The CoE EurAsia undertakes comprehensive research on the transformation processes in Eurasia, encompassing the combined landmasses of Europe and Asia and serving as a focal point of scholarly discourse from antiquity to the present (https://www.oeaw.ac.at/eurasian-transformations/). The DC Entangled Antiquities delves into the fascinating and significant interdependencies between Europe, Asia and Africa from around 1500 BC to the present day, which have often influenced geopolitical dynamics. Particular emphasis will be placed on the analysis of hyper-spatial imaginaries, discourses and connectivities that have both connected and divided various imperial entities, ethnic diasporas and foreign communities (https://www.uibk.ac.at/en/doctorate-college-entangled-antiquities/).

PhD Research Areas: The doctoral positions are offered in the fields of Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Classical Archaeology, and Modern German Literature, focusing on research in the following subject areas:

·        Ancient spatial concepts (mental maps) and imperial borderlands of the Achaemenid-Persian empire

·        The role of religious communities and corporations in transregional networks in the Eurasian worlds of Late Antiquity

·        The classical ideal and orientalism in the visual politics of Antiquity

·        Two empires – the Habsburg Monarchy and its view of Japan

·        Habsburg border regions – views on Galicia and Bukovina

Main tasks: Completion of a doctoral thesis and publications related to one of the specified research areas; significant contribution to the organisation of conferences and workshops and participation in training and education activities within the DC Entangled Antiquities; participation in the further development of the existing Doctoral College into a more comprehensive, interdisciplinary doctoral programme focused on the broad field of “Entanglements and Conflicts in Afro-Eurasian History”.

Required qualifications: An above-average Master’s degree in Ancient History, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Classical Archaeology or Modern German Literature; methodological expertise appropriate to the field of study; evidence of an interdisciplinary approach in the master thesis or previous academic work; proficiency in ancient and modern languages relevant to the research focus; very good command of English; strong communication and teamwork skills.

Application requirements: A sample chapter from your master thesis; an outline proposal for a dissertation project on one of the announced research topics; two letters of recommendation.

Remuneration: The gross monthly salary for these PhD positions is € 2,684.10 (paid 14 times yearly).

Application procedure: Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications electronically by 31 May 2024. Applications should be sent to Astrid Rief at eurasian-transformations@uibk.ac.at.

פרטי יצירת קשר

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

מלגה על שם רחל ינאית בן-צבי לשנת תשפ"ד

מלגת קיום לתלמידים הלומדים לתואר שלישי שתחום התמחותם קשור בתולדות ארץ-ישראל ויישובה
המלגה מיועדת לחוקר/ת הנמצא/ת בשלבים מתקדמים לקראת הגשת הדוקטורט

תלמידים המעוניינים להציע את מועמדותם לקבלת המלגה, מתבקשים:

1 . למלא את הטופס המקוון באתר המלגות: מלגה על שם רחל ינאית
2 . לצרף לטופס המקוון את הפריטים הבאים :

א. קורות חיים (כולל רשימת פרסומים ומלגות).
ב. ציון תאריך תחילת הלימודים לתואר שלישי
ג. הערכת זמן להגשת עבודת הדוקטורט.
ד. אישור על מעבר לשלב ב ' )חובה(
ה. תיאור קצר של עבודת המחקר ותרומתה המשוערת )עמוד אחד(.
ו. הצעת המחקר המלאה .
ז. שתי המלצות, אחת מהן מן המנחה .
* קבלת המלגה מותנית ברישום ללימודים כסטודנט/ית באוניברסיטה העברית בשנה"ל תשפ"ה (שנת קבלת המלגה)

תאריך אחרון להגשת מועמדות: ז' בניסן תשפ"ד – 15 באפריל 2024

פרטי יצירת קשר

לשאלות: סילבי ברנרד silvi@ybz.org.il , ד"ר אמנון רמון ramon@ybz.org.il

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

The 2023 Koschitzky Prize for papers by young scholars

The Heritage Center for the Study of The Kingdom of Israel at Ariel University is happy to announce the call for the 2023 Koschitzky
Prize for papers by young scholars. Up to three prizes will be awarded:

a first prize of $1000,
a second prize of $750
a third prize of $500

The prizes will be awarded for the best-published articles, MA theses or PhD dissertations dealing with the Northern Kingdom of Israel or with related topics within its area. The committee will consider only papers/theses/dissertations published during the years 2022-2023, or accepted for publication in a coming volume of a peer-reviewed journal.

Prize applicants must be Ph.D. candidates. They may be of any nationality, but the submitted paper must be in Hebrew or English.
Co-written pieces may be submitted if the applicant is the first author. The three winners will be invited to present their studies at
the Institute of Archaeology annual conference at Ariel University (late December 2023/ early January 2024).

All submissions must be in PDF format only. All submissions must include both the cover page and the paper. All submissions must be received no later than October 30th, 2023. The prize will be announced on October 2023.

Application: Email PDF of paper and cover sheet to: Dr. Aharon Tavger, The Heritage Center for the Study of The Kingdom of Israel, Ariel University tavgeraa@gmail.com


The Prize Committee: Mr. Amitai Koschitzky, Prof. Aren Maeir (Bar Ilan University), Prof. Yuval Gadot (Tel Aviv University) and Prof. Itzick Shai (Ariel University, Chair).

פרטי יצירת קשר

Aharon Tavger tavgeraa@gmail.com

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

Culture, Archaeology and Socio-Ecological Dynamics Research Group (Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona)

Our research group is accepting students interested in developing their Master's or PhD theses in one of the following research subjects.

1. Archaeobotany, geoarchaeology, palaeoenvironment and ethnoarchaeology of South Asia (India and Pakistan)

  • Residue analyses from Neolithic/Chalcolithic pottery
  • Holocene palaeoecology of the Indus Valley
  • Micromorphology of archaeological sites and sedimentary sequences
  • Network analysis of Indus Civilization resources
  • Anthracological analysis from Neolithic to Iron Age sites, use of wood resources and fuel

2. Palaeoecology, settlement and subsistence along the Limpopo (South Africa/Botswana)

  • Land use and resources of agriculturalists/herders
  • Ethnoarchaeology and use of space in current traditional villages
  • Geoarchaeology of agriculturalists/herders groups (use of space, etc.)

3. Archaeobotany and palaeoenvironment of the Amazon

  • Vegetation evolution and human occupation in Brazilian forests (Amazon, Cerrado, etc.)

4. Food consumption and diet of Mesolithic and Neolithic populations of Sudan

  • Plant micro-remains (starch/phytoliths) from dental calculus, grinding stones and other artifacts

5. Land use assessment and modeling

  • Holocene land use in Asia, Africa and South America

6. Modeling and Simulation

  • We are looking to fill post-doc positions on funded projects involving modelling and simulation

פרטי יצירת קשר

For any information please contact marco.madella@upf.edu or carla.lancelotti@upf.edu.

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

Food in Past Societies: Workshop for PhD candidates

The IIAS Research Group Desert-Sea Connectivity invites PhD candidates to present and discuss work relevant to the topic of food in past societies.

The research group is hosted by the Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies. It aims to develop a coherent and multidisciplinary approach towards the reconstruction of food systems in ancient arid areas, focusing on North Africa, the Near East and southern Europe during the Late Antique period (4th-10th centuries CE).

The PhD workshop will adopt a broader view temporally and geographically, presenting emerging works on food in past societies. It will take place at Ben Gurion University on 7 December. During the event, members of the research group will attend presentations of PhD students from all Israeli universities, and offer their insights for each project. The broader research community will be invited to attend.

Interested PhD candidates should send a title and an abstract to Prof. Gil Gambash (ggambash@univ.haifa.ac.il) by October 15th, and be prepared to give a 30-minute presentation in English on their topic.

פרטי יצירת קשר

קטגוריה: תלמידי מחקר

דילוג לתוכן